computer memory chips

Shanghai Scientists Invent A New Memory Which Might Make RAM and ROM Obsolete

Like jelly and peanut butter, like salt and pepper, like that seemingly perfect couple you hate (or love), theĀ two dominant kinds of computer memoryĀ genuinely complete one another. Read-only memory (ROM) makes sure...
Expanding the Marketing Reach of Your Business Through Online Wizardry

Expanding the Marketing Reach of Your Business Through Online Wizardry

When you want to boost your marketing reach by accessing more people, and not just more, but the right people, then youā€™ve got to get smart about it. There are online...
urban mining electronics gold mine

Recycling Old Electronics May Be 13 Times More Profitable Than Traditional Gold Mining

Forget panning for gold or extracting copper ore. A new research reveals that recovering metals from discarded electronics, a process generally known as urban mining, is way cheaper than mining them...
computer can read thoughts

A Computer Can Now Detect Words Which You ā€œSpeak Silentlyā€

MIT researchers have developed an interface that can transcribe words that a person verbalizes internallyĀ but doesnā€™t really speak aloud. The system consists of a wearable gadget and an associated computing system. Electrodes...
cyborg mice

Researchers Can Now Mind-Control Mice Using Optogenetics

Researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology recently created cyborg mice that obeyed the instructions of their human overlords, ignoring sex and food cravings entirely, to make it...
magic spells that work

What Are The Magic Spells That Work

A magic spell may be considered as a state or form of words. It is a combination of words which are used to produce a charming or incantation effect. It can...
tiny tooth sensor for tracking diet

A Tiny Tooth-Mounted Sensor Can Now Track Your Diet

Scientists at Tufts University have created a small wearable sensor that can stick to your tooth and transmit what you eat. Theyā€™veĀ engineered a tooth-mounted sensorĀ that tracks your every bite (and what...
Branding Strategies For Your Business

Branding Strategies For Your Business

Think of any of your favorite products, and there is a chance the company behind it is always branding themselves and marketing that product. Marketing may get the word out there...
Beginners Guide to Buying Nano

Beginner’s Guide to Buying Nano

The Cryptocurrencies market hasn't been like a roller-coaster since the turn of the year. It's been more like a water-slide. Only I'm not so sure it's water... Bitcoin has had a much-publicized...
3d printed microneedles

Scientists Create 3D Printed Microneedles That Can Dissolve and Deliver Drugs

No one likes getting injections (apart from drug addicts maybe?). Well, research from the University of Texas at Dallas, US, may be able to provide a painless alternative. The research team...